10 Social Media Marketing Tips You Can’t Live Without


Create a Plan for Each Social Media Channel: Draw a plan/schedule on how you intend to post every day because you can post at all times but not all times are appropriate. Plan towards the morning hour, afternoon hour and nighttime when people are likely to be surfing social media channels. Correct timing is pertinent when posting.

Post Consistently: When it comes to managing social media channels, especially for adverts, consistency is key. At all times, your social media channel should carry a post that does not date at least more than 24hrs. A business owner should constantly be in the faces of his/her audience. In short don’t let your post be epileptic.

Post More Images: Images enhance beauty and better comprehension. It is not enough to tell the audience about your products and services. Show them how it works in pictures and videos. Go the extra mile by posting images of everyday people using the product, this will make them feel better connected to the product enough to use it.

Interact: It is rude to ignore questions. Try as much as possible to answer question and allay fears when it arises. Talk to them. People like to know that a person is behind the brand.

Use Contests for Audience Growth: One of the best ways to engage an audience is to initiate competitions and contests. Do not initiate a faux contest. You might think you are wise doing this but people will know. You don’t have to give large prizes. People are always happy to win anything the size notwithstanding.

Watch Your Competitors: Social media advertising is not like a track race that checking out the competition can make you falter. CHECK OUT THE COMPETITION ALWAYS. There is no way you want to beat your rival product if you don’t even know what they are doing. Look out for what makes them different from you; what makes them attract customers; what makes them keep ‘em.

Get Your Entire Team Involved: If you run a business and more than one person updates your social media pages or advertise for you, make sure that everyone is kept abreast on the latest developments so that all posts will be in sync.

Use Keywords in Your Posts: It is possible to post plenty things and post nothing. This is all because the keyword(s) has been left out. Every time you want to post anything, identify what you want your customers to focus on and make sure to base your post on that.

Capitalise on Hashtags: There is power in hashtags, power to make many people see you. Now a new trick in hashtagging is not only to use keywords that is inclined to your products. Hashtags for trending posts can be used with your products too just to engage many people.

Measure & Analyse: Make sure you know the number of followers you have and the amount of likes you get per post. Analyse these stats by looking up ways you can increase your follower-ship base. Make sure you are informed of things that are trending and how they can work for your marketing campaign.

Source: 10 Social Media Marketing Tips You Can’t Live Without

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